About dogs and dogsports! Most often in images...not words! In memory of Zephyr...my heart dog.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Fun in the snow!

Hello! Wow it is sure cold out today! -16! So today has been a very indoor type of day while my Mom and Dad worked around the house. However yesterday was mild and we all spent hours outside playing in the snow with Liam the toddler. You can see in the photos us having fun. My Mom took some shots of me doing my flip/rolls like I do for the frisbee, but for snowballs. She doesn't let me do too much because she is afraid that I will hurt myself.

Then last night we had agility training and Mom was really happy after and said I was so good! Of course I know that I am always good and sometimes she is just not fast enough for me!! So enjoy the photos!!

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