I have been neglecting this blog as well as Zen's ....sorry!! Things have been good with Zephyr since my last entry way back in February. As usual we have been out for our daily hikes and I was able to get the agility equipment out the beginning of May so we have been doing a bit more training too.
Last weekend I took Zephyr to the Ontario Regional Agility Trial to try to qualify to Nationals again. He qualified no problem as well he qualified and ran in the Steeplechase finals!! That was a rush, so much fun. We also had several top ten placements in the regional courses including a first place jumpers run.
I took Zephyr just with the intent of having fun and enjoying something that we both love to do together. I am just so happy that he is still here with me. Last year when I found out that he had cancer I wasn't sure if he would be here this year. After surgery I didn't think he would play agility again. His recovery was so good that he has had no problem coming back to the sport.
He is now in 16" Vets, I know he could still jump higher but why ask that of him....not only did he have surgery last year but he is also 9 1/2 years old. After 3 days of competing he was getting a bit tired I could tell that his reaction time was just slightly slower (hard to tell on these fast dogs). Also on the third day he couldn't get his frame contacts, he was jumping off early. Although he wasn't moving stiff or short in the front I wonder if fatigue was setting in. He did have major surgery on his chest with much tissue removed so it would make sense.
All in all it was a wonderful weekend with my friends and my dogs!
More videos from the weekend at my YouTube channel.
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